Windham, NH



Recreation is ALL ABOUT FUN!

The Recreation Soccer division is focused on the development of each child in our program.

  • Physical Development through soccer skills and improving fitness and conditioning
  • Psychological Development by learning to control their emotions and developing positive feelings of self worth.
  • Social Development by learning how to be part of a team and display appropriate sportsmanship

We feel that the best environment for a child to develop in this areas is an environment where there is no pressure to win!  If we strive to encourage each child to do their very best and not be concerned about winning, then we feel like each child will be able to experience personal success and growth - and that's a winning program!  To help create this type of atmosphere, we have instituted the following guidelines:

  1. Every child plays in every game.  Playing time is equitable among all team members
  2. Win-Loss records for teams are not kept.  There are no team awards
  3. There are no post season tournaments for U10 and below
    1. U12, U15 and U18 intertown teams are eligible for the intertown playoffs series

All divisions in WSA's recreation program are co-ed.


The Recreation Program has 3 main areas:

Tiny Tots

Tiny Tots will be introduced to the game of soccer through fun games and soccer exercises. Since these are our littlest of players, parents are welcome to help out with the sessions and keep the energy UP!  The goal of Tiny Tots is for them to have fun, get used to playing with the soccer ball and begin to instill a love for the game!


Windham Soccer Association follows the recommendations for age groups as defined by US Soccer - you can refer to their chart here: US Soccer Age Groupings

Fall: Fall is the main season for these age groups of parent led teams!  All players will be assigned to a co-ed team in their age division and will have one practice and one game per week. 

Spring: During the spring season, we are able to offer clinics for these age groups that meet once per week.


These Co-ed teams participate in the Intertown league with surrounding towns such as Derry, Merrimack, Hampstead and Salem. As the number of players available at these older age groups tend to be smaller, this provides those that want to still play an opportunity to do so in a slightly more competitive environment.  Teams are open to all age-eligible players.  Practices and home games are held in Windham.  

Coaches & Volunteers

WSA relies heavily on volunteers from the community to run the league.  If you are interested in being a head coach or an assistant coach, please indicate so on your child's registration form.  All coaches must complete the Kid Safe form prior to coaching.  Any questions regarding volunteering can be directed to Chris Dona, VP Rec.


Season Dates and Practices

 Fall: The season is expected to begin on or about the week of Labor Day. The first weekend games are expected to begin the first Saturday after Labor Day.  The season will run for approximately eight weeks (No Rec Games on Columbus Day weekend). If we have any rainouts we will try to reschedule, but will not go later than the first weekend in November. 

Spring: The season starts late April, once the fields are available and runs through Mid June.

The general rule of thumb for the Recreation program is as follows:

Tiny Tots: One weekly session, led by a professional trainer (no teams, parent volunteers, group sessions) - this runs for 7 weeks (does not meet on Columbus Day Weekend)

U6, U8, U10: One practice during the week, and one game on the weekend (games are typically on Saturdays) (team based, parent coach/assistant coach)

U12, U15 and U18: One practice during the week (coaches may, at their discretion, request a second practice if there is time and space available), and one game on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday, at home or away)(team based, parent coach/assistant coach)


Uniforms and Equipment Needs

Each recreational player in WSA will receive a team shirt for the season.

Players must provide their own shorts, shin guards and proper footwear (cleats are required for U6 and above). 

All players MUST have a water bottle for practices and games - without exception. 

Players should bring a proper size soccer ball

PLEASE BE SURE YOUR CHILD'S NAME IS ON ALL OF THEIR EQUIPMENT - Bags, balls, water bottled, jackets, shoes, cleats, etc.  



Please note that NO jewelry of any kind is allowed during WSA play. This includes: necklaces, earrings, rings and headgear. Please note this DOES INCLUDE newly pierced ears - no earrings are permitted at all.

Covering the ears with band-aids or tape is not allowed and will be enforced by the coaches and referees WITHOUT exception.  

Please note that this rule is enforced at the state level and handed down to all teams - this is for the safety of your children.